More than 60 years of experience in the compressed air sector and ongoing investment in innovation have led Fini to expand its industrial product offer with the introduction of its new models with SCROLL spiral oil-free rotary technology and a nominal power value between 2.2 and 22 kW. This innovative range opens up a new world of possibilities for all those applications where the total absence of oil is required, ensuring longer service life of the plants, resulting in lower operating costs, in addition to granting the highest quality standard of the final product.
- Pharmaceutical industry;
- Medical laboratories;
- Food and beverages industry;
- Chemical industry;
- Special food treating equipment (e.g. milking robots);
- Laser equipment processes;
- Packaging, PET bottles;
- Industrial painting.

The oil-free Scroll OS range developed by Fini satisfies all these sectors, with a dynamical range of power and model sizes from 2.2 to 22 kW, at 8 or 10 bar.
Scroll pumps are certified in Class 0, in accordance with ISO8573-1 directives.